PhD student in mathematics at Centre Borelli, École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, Office 3S28.
I am working on convergent approximation methods for global optimization. My main research interests are consistency of G.O methods, measure theory, and functional analysis. I am currently working on my thesis with Nicolas Vayatis. In parallel, I use Lean to formalize research results and I am contributing to Mathlib, its mathematics library.
Introduction to Statistical Learning - M2 MVA
Analyse et Convergence - LDD2 IM
Préparation oraux X (Math380X) - LDD3 Maths
Analyse exploratoire des données multivariées - L3 Maths
Introduction to Statistical Learning - M2 MVA
Analyse et Convergence - LDD2 IM
Préparation oraux X (Math380X) - LDD3 Maths
Analyse exploratoire des données multivariées - L3 Maths
Collège de France - 1st prize challenge Accenta
Collège de France, France 2024NeurIPS - AutoML Decathlon 2022
New Orleans, USA 2022IEEE WCCI IJCNN - L2RPN 2022 competition
Padova, Italy 2022M2 Mathématiques, Vision, Apprentissage
École Normale Supérieure of Paris-Saclay 2022-2023M1 Artificial Intelligence
Université Paris-Saclay 2021-2022Double bachelor degree Computer Science & Mathematics
Université Paris-Saclay 2018-2021Pre-PhD on stochastic global optimization and sampling methods
Centre Borelli - ENS Paris-Saclay 2023